*I promise it won't always be this serious....but if you don't know where I'm coming from you might not understand where I am now!"
So, believe it or not, life does just happen even if you're not looking. For most of my adult life, I wasn't looking. It's like I woke up one day and heard that Kinks song over and over again in my head..."And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful Wife, And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here? ...yeah! How DID I get here?
Well it goes a little something like this...
As a young woman, Little Girl (LG) is torn between playing it safe and being independent...at about the age of 22, suddenly doing the independent thing becomes a not-so-pretty-OR-financially-stable lifestyle.. SO luckily SAFE GUY (SG) is still available..."Order pink napkins" Little Girl tells Mom! HURRAY! They all shout; She's come to her senses! LG senses, I dunno - doom, and throws up in the gutter immediately after trying on wedding gowns; attributes it to bad tuna...Moves South, weds SG, and lo and behold, unweds SG shortly therafter. BOOOOO! They all shout. Now LG is really ALONE in a foreign country called California and back to the not-so-pretty-OR-stable-but-helluvalotofun-single-girl-in-a-rock-and-roll-world situation. Okay - we all know how long THAT remains interesting. LG already has backup plan...the Cute Guy (CG) on the ladder. Lunch? Sure..Drinks? Sure...Move in? Great! Now what? 3 years pass, CG is "confirmed" bachelor UNTIL his best friend gets married AND he finds out his mom is terminally ill...at which point he pops the question and Little Girl, (who has been waiting for exactly this) says, "Of course, Yes!". LG and CG wed. YAY! They shout (not quite as loudly as the first time.) And as agreed, Right Away, so that dying mother can be "Grandmother", CG & LG start trying to have babies...this goes on for years..yes, years. There's a lot of tears, and peeing in cups, and getting nun urine shot into LG's fanny. Sadly, before the nuns are successful, CG's mom; LG's mom-in-law/friend, passes away. CG & LG of course, keep trying to have babies because that's pretty much all they have in common now and LG is convinced a baby will make everything o.k. Lo and behold, a baby is born! Then another! CONGRATULATIONS!! They all shout. One boy, one girl, a house in the suburbs...all is right with the world. Babies puke, pee, and poo their way to school-age. LG is NOT sad when baby boy's first day of school happens to fall on her birthday...(WHAT is wrong with me, she wonders?! all the other mother's are a wreck today! hmmmm...this can't be right...) Soon enough, baby girl starts pre-school...LG REALLY starts to fidget and finally has time to THINK. CG keeps his regular drinking dates with the buddies and keeps taking his alcohol induced frustration/grief/stress out on LG..."you're never happy, I'm not good enough, you're never satisfied". No, she says, it's fine, it's fine! (God forbid he should leave her now with two young children). But LG KNOWS, it's time to find something to do during the day...Volunteers in classroom (SO virtuous!), Organizes fundraisers (SO generous!), and dreams of owning her own business, "SO unrealistic! CG always tells LG, You'll never be able to pull that off. What are you thinking? You aren't capable." LG presses on, a job here, a job there, a class here or there...years pass by...CG's binge drinking escalates, stuff is hit, stuff is thrown, stuff is said; LG keeps it to herself, keeps forgiving and keeps on pretending that life in suburbia couldn't be more perfect. Then, finally, one day, when all is teetering on the brink of collapse, CG and LG take off for a "restorative" w/e of wine-tasting and (hopefully!)lovemaking ...fast forward past the ugliness and sadness...LG gives up on CG, begins therapy for herself and tries to understand HOW she got here...
...to be continued (or not cuz it's a really crappy and sad story and I really hate those)...yeah...let's wrap this up...
Fast Foward: LG and CG ride the roller-coaster of love for a while longer, coaster crashes, they both survive. THANKFULLY they suffer from "Once in a lifetime/Same As It Ever Was" Amnesia - Can't remember the good times; Choose to forgive the bad times - And, Letting the days go by/water flowing underground/Into the blue again/after the money's gone - FINALLY, have the sense to wake up, stop letting life just happen to them and move on!
So the moral is "When you stop to think, you start to live!"
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